Free Large Caterpillar Pattern


Large Caterpillar Crochet Pattern

Hello everyone! I am so excited to release my second pattern to all of you!!! I cannot wait to see your wonderful big caterpillar dudes!!

Please share pictures of your finished products and tag me ( @crayoncrochetcritters ) in your posts! I cannot wait to see them!!!!!

Here is a basic rundown of the abbreviations I will be using for this pattern write up!
If you have any questions/comments please feel free to send me a message through my website or to my Instagram DMs! 


R = row

mc = magic circle

st = stitch

sc = single crochet

sl st = slip stitch

inc = 2 sc in the next stitch

dec = single crochet 2 stitches together

f.o. = finish off (slip st, then cut yarn and pull through)

(12) = number of stitches you should have at the end of the round/row

** repeat whatever is inside the asterix ( if it appears like this *sc in next 2, inc in next st* x2 this would mean that you would repeat what is in the asterix 2 times)


I chose not to stuff these pieces, but it is up to you to decide what style you'd like better!

R 1: 6 sc in mc

R 2: inc in each st (12)

R 3: *sc in next 3 sts, inc* repeat ** around (15)

R 4: *sc 3 sts together (dec)* x2 (12)

R 5: sc in next 10 sts, sc 3 sts together (dec) (9)

R 6-11: sc around (6 rows total)

f.o. leaving enough yarn for sewing on to head piece

Head/Body Pieces

(make 6 with your choice of colors)

R 1: 8 sc in mc

R 2: inc in every other (12)

R 3: inc in every other (18)

R 4: inc in every 3rd (24)

R 5: inc in every 3rd (32)

R 6: inc in every 4th (40)

R 7: inc in every 4th (50)

Rounds 8-18: sc around for 11 rounds (50)

*at some point you will want to insert your 15 mm (or size of choice) safety eyes into one of the six circle segments*

R 19: dec in every 4th (40)

R 20: dec in every 4th (32)

R 21: dec in every 3rd (24)

Start to stuff with scrap yarn or fiberfill.

R 22: dec in every 3rd (18)

R 23: dec in every other (12)

R 24: dec in every other (8)

f.o. Leaving enough yarn for sewing segments together

© 2019 Crocheted Creations / Stitched with love
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